
Need a Tutor ?

Choose Highest Rated Growth Wisely  Merit Class

Structured learning

Merit Class tutoring provides a structured learning environment that helps students stay focused and motivated.

Expert guidance

Home tutors are qualified and experienced teachers who are experts in their respective fields

Personalized attention

We provide individual attention to each student and tailor their teaching methods to match the learning pace and style of the student


Our tutors come to your home, which saves time and effort that would otherwise be spent on commuting

Customized learning

Home tutoring provides customized learning that can help students achieve their goals more effectively

Access to resources:

Merit Class provide students with access to study material and resources that are not easily available elsewhere.

Regular assessments

We conduct regular assessments and provide feedback to students on their performance

Competitive environment

One to One tutoring provides a competitive environment that helps students prepare for competitive exams.

Highest Rated

Merit Class is the highest rated Tutor network. With 1800+ high class reviews across digital platforms.

Selecting A Tutor

A home tutor’s expertise is paramount in ensuring effective learning. Their in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and teaching methods tailored to the student’s pace can greatly enhance understanding and performance.

One-on-one interaction with a home tutor allows personalized attention, addressing specific learning gaps and adapting the teaching approach to suit the student’s learning style, fostering better comprehension and engagement.

Home tutoring offers the advantage of flexible scheduling. Students can learn at their convenience, enabling a balanced approach to studies, extracurricular activities, and other commitments while still receiving dedicated guidance for academic success.

Satisfaction Rate
Strong Team
Students Enrolled
Years of experience

What People Say

Merit Class is the Highest Rated Tutor Network, reasons here !